This is the 饼干的政策 for Hotspring World, accessible from www.ewo.whjzxzz.com
Protecting our customers is at the heart of everything we do at HotSpring®World, and protecting your information is no exception. This means that any cookies used on our sites will not contain personally identifiable information about you. 然而, 我们确实在我们的网站上使用cookie来帮助您更有效地访问,所以我们想更多地解释我们如何以及为什么使用它们.
As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, 改善您的体验. This page describes what information they gather, how we use it and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. 我们还将分享如何防止这些cookie被存储,但这可能会降低或“破坏”网站功能的某些元素.
For more general information on cookies see the Wikipedia article on HTTP 饼干s.
A cookie is a text file placed onto your device when you access websites. We use cookies and other online tracking devices such as web beacons, 和flash对象存储交付, 改进和监控我们的网站, 包括以下方式:
饼干 – wp-settings
目的 —用于标识站点设置.
饼干 – wp-settings-time
目的 —用于标识站点设置.
饼干 – wpe-auth
目的 – After log in this identifies your user account.
饼干 – wordpress_logged_in_{哈希}
目的 – After log in this identifies your user account.
饼干 – comment_author_{哈希}
目的 – When you submit a comment we store this information to populate this field for your next visit.
饼干 – comment_author_email_{哈希}
目的 – When you submit a comment we store this information to populate this field for your next visit.
饼干 – comment_author_url_{哈希}
目的 – When you submit a comment we store this information to populate this field for your next visit.
The information we obtain from our use of cookies will not usually contain your personal data. Although we may obtain information about your device such as your IP address, your browser and/or other internet log information, 这通常不会识别你的身份.
我们的网站显示一个通知,提醒您我们使用cookie和其他类似技术,并链接到本隐私政策. 如果您在本通知向您显示后使用我们的网站,我们将假定您同意我们出于本隐私政策中所述的目的使用cookie或类似技术.
The types of cookies we use are divided into four categories:
1. 必要的饼干
These cookies let you move around a website and use all it’s features. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to do things like interact with web pages, or fill in forms. 这些cookie可以保护你的安全.
2. 性能饼干
These simply help improve the way a website works. 它们告诉我们人们如何使用每个页面, 哪些是最常被浏览的, 或者是否发生任何错误.
3. 定制饼干
These cookies store your personal settings such as font sizes, 音量级别, or remember basic information that you’ve entered, so next time you visit our website it’s all there for you. 例如, if you choose to ask the website to remember your username for your login, you won’t have to enter it the next time you need it.
4. 广告饼干
These cookies help us to advertise our HotSpring®世界产品跨越互联网. We use Google AdWords remarketing services which will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the HotSpring®World website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your device. This cookie does not in any way identify you or give access to your computer. The cookie is only used to say, “Person X visited page Y, so show this person ads relating to page Y.“谷歌AdWords再营销允许我们调整我们的营销,以更好地满足您的需求,只显示与您相关的广告.
We use cookies for a variety of reasons detailed below. 不幸的是,在大多数情况下,没有行业标准的选项来禁用cookie而不完全禁用它们添加到本网站的功能和特性. 如果您不确定是否需要cookies,建议您保留所有cookies,以防它们被用于提供您使用的服务.
You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser 帮助 for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the this site. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.
登录相关cookie – We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new page. 这些cookie通常在您登出时被删除或清除,以确保您在登录时只能访问受限制的功能和区域.
订单处理相关cookie 本网站提供电子商务或支付设施,一些cookie是必要的,以确保您的订单在页面之间被记住,以便我们能够正确处理它.
〇与cookie相关的表单 当您通过联系页面或评论表单上的表单提交数据时,cookie可能会被设置为记住您的用户详细信息,以便将来通信.
网站偏好cookie -为了让您在本网站获得良好的体验,我们提供了设置您在使用本网站时如何运行的偏好的功能. 为了记住您的偏好,我们需要设置cookie,以便在您与受您的偏好影响的页面交互时调用此信息.
In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.
本网站使用谷歌分析,这是网络上最广泛和最值得信赖的分析解决方案之一,帮助我们了解您如何使用本网站,以及我们可以改善您的体验的方法. 这些cookie可能会跟踪您在网站上花费的时间以及您访问的页面,以便我们继续制作引人入胜的内容. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
Facebook -用于在网站内启用社交网络功能,并在Facebook广告平台内提供营销数据.
Instagram -用于在网站内启用社交网络功能,并在我们的网站上显示来自社交渠道的内容.
YouTube – Used to manage and display video content within our site.
From time to time we test new features and make subtle changes to the way that the site is delivered. 当我们仍在测试新功能时,这些cookie可能用于确保您在网站上获得一致的体验,同时确保我们了解用户最欣赏哪些优化.
当我们销售产品时,了解我们网站的访问者中有多少人实际进行了购买的统计数据对我们来说很重要,因此这些cookie将跟踪这类数据. 这对你来说很重要,因为这意味着我们可以准确地做出商业预测,从而使我们能够监控我们的广告和产品成本,以确保最优惠的价格.
我们用于提供广告的Google AdSense服务使用DoubleClick cookie在整个网络上提供更相关的广告,并限制特定广告向您显示的次数. For more information on Google AdSense see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ.
We also use social media buttons and/or plugins on this site that allow you to connect with your social network in various ways. For these to work the following social media sites including; {List the social networks whose features you have integrated with your site?:12}, 是否会通过我们的网站设置cookie,这些cookie可用于增强您在其网站上的个人资料,或为其各自隐私政策中概述的各种目的提供他们所持有的数据.
These third party suppliers are responsible for the cookies they set on your device. For further information please visit the website of the relevant third party.
How to Opt Out of Remarketing and Advertising
If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting www.谷歌.com/settings/ads. You can also opt out of any third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting www.networkadvertising.org/choices/
This 饼干的政策 may be updated from time to time.
如果我们对本饼干政策进行任何重要更改,我们将在更改之前和更改之后的合理时间内通过网站上的弹出窗口通知您. You may review the 饼干的政策 by visiting the website and clicking on the “饼干的政策” link.
然而 if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us through one of our preferred contact methods:
电子邮件: SpaSales@whjzxzz.com